Why is a Backup strategy such an important but seemly non-urgent part of a security plan?
How would you feel if your family photos were lost when that old hard drive died? What about your presentation for school that is almost finished, what if it disappeared?
How much do your debtors owe? If your system corrupted today, could you work it out?
Even worse, what if your business was hit by ransomware!
Now what?
Just thinking about any one of these happening to you will give a good idea of Why you should be backing up your data.
So now we know it is important to back up, how do we do it?
The simple, but tried & tested, 3-2-1 Backup strategy is
3 copies of your data/photos/documents
2 different media used for backups
1 offsite backup
So far so good, but 3 copies of my data? Where?
Copy 1 – The copy on your computer at home or server at work
Copy 2 – This could be a cloud backup (iCloud, One Drive, Office 365 or a paid remote data storage service)
Copy 3 – An onsite NAS that is incrementally backed up, a Removable media (such as a portable HDD or USB thumb drive) or even as simple as your presentation emailed to yourself
Now we have our 3-2-1 strategy in place and feel comfortable that we have set up our backups, we’re covered, right?
Last thing, did your backup work? Have you verified that you can recover that photo, presentation, debtor list or business documents?
For photos and documents, this does not have to be a big rigmarole to check, just chose a duplicate photo or a document you should really delete and delete it off your computer or server location. Then wait a day or so & try to recover it from your cloud, NAS or USB thumb drive.
If this works – All Good, if not then it might be time to get some help from IT professionals who deal with the unexpected IT issues that come up every day and are trained to think outside the box to find & set solutions that work for each client.
A Cloud Backup Solution can be very different for each client but the need to monitor the service and ensure that any error alert is looked at and resolved is universal. At Brilliant Technologies we spend time with our clients, listen to what they want and design a best fit solution to give future flexibility.
Call our team on 07 4052 5900 and ask us about our Computer, Network, Print & Photocopier solutions
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